Check-In Excluded File Types from Command-line

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Check-In Excluded File Types from Command-line

Post by disgruntleddrone » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:52 pm

Using the 4.x GUI client, you can specify that excluded files type be included for check-in by hard-checking the checkbox; how can this be done via the command-line?

Thank you,

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Re: Check-In Excluded File Types from Command-line

Post by Beth » Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:33 am

In order to force a check in on an excluded file type, you have to specifically request that item be added. This is what happens when you check the check-box in the add dialog. On the command line, you'll have to specify the item.

Another option would be to remove the excluded file type using the Vault admin web page. The setting is found in each repository configuration under the file types link.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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Re: Check-In Excluded File Types from Command-line

Post by disgruntleddrone » Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:12 pm

Thank you for the prompt response. Another command-line question: Is the '-nosgvaultfolders' command still valid with 3.5.x versions? I am looking for a way to prevent the Vault command-line from creating _sgbak folders. The GUI has an option to prohibit this functionality, but no ostensible one for the command-line client. If such an option exists, please include an example.

Thank you.

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Re: Check-In Excluded File Types from Command-line

Post by lbauer » Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:39 pm

The Vault 3.5.3 Command Line Client lets you set an option to backup locally modified files before overwriting. It uses your default values (I assume from the Vault GUI Client), or you can use the option -backup [yes:no].

Full documentation is available for Vault.exe, the Command Line Client.

CD to the Vault client directory from the command line and type "vault help" for a list of commands. For help on a specific command, type "vault (commandname) help," such as "vault help GET." You'll get the help specific to the version you're using.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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