Is it possible for us to set the vault server log to save somewhere else instead of default location on the server C:\WINDOWS\Temp\sgvault
Also, it looks like the logs got saved in the default location for more than 1yr. Is there anyway I can shorten the retention of the logs?
Thanks in advance
v4.1.4: set the server log location and retention
Moderator: SourceGear
Re: v4.1.4: set the server log location and retention
In the Vault admin web page under the logging link, you can change the location of the log.
Vault doesn't delete the old logs. I could take a feature request for that functionality if you would like.
In the meantime, you could create a .bat or .cmd file with the delete command and use the task scheduler to run it every so often to delete the archived logs. For example, del c:\windows\temp\sgvault\10*sgvault.log would delete any logs archived in the year 2010. If you take the 10 out, then it would delete the current logs as well, which only becomes a problem if you are troubleshooting an issue.
Vault doesn't delete the old logs. I could take a feature request for that functionality if you would like.
In the meantime, you could create a .bat or .cmd file with the delete command and use the task scheduler to run it every so often to delete the archived logs. For example, del c:\windows\temp\sgvault\10*sgvault.log would delete any logs archived in the year 2010. If you take the 10 out, then it would delete the current logs as well, which only becomes a problem if you are troubleshooting an issue.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support
SourceGear Technical Support
Re: v4.1.4: set the server log location and retention
Thanks, Beth. Please add my request to have option to manage the log retention.