Old integrity checking code still needed in SQL 2008?

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Old integrity checking code still needed in SQL 2008?

Post by thomas62j5 » Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:54 pm

We're migrating from SQL 2000 to SQL 2008, and eventually Vault 4.x to 5.x (after the SQL upgrade most likely).

In SQL 2000, we always had to keep Vault's database integrity checking, index rebuilding, etc. separate from our other maintenance plans, based on information found here:

http://support.sourcegear.com/viewtopic ... KDB#p10801

Is this still the case in SQL 2008? Or can we just use the normal SQL maintenance plan builder to do all of that stuff with the vault databases? And if so, does this hold true for both Vault 4.x and 5.x?


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Re: Old integrity checking code still needed in SQL 2008?

Post by lbauer » Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:12 pm

At one time there was a bug in the built-in SQL Server maintenance plan that caused the maintenance plan not to work with computed columns. Vault uses computed columns. So we made our own recommendations for SQL Server maintenance. To be honest, we're don't know if the SQL Server bug was fixed. You can certainly try your own maintenance plan to see if it works with the Vault databases.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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