How do I export a complete list of all files contained in Vault?
Boss wants a list of all the apps we have stored.
My plan is to export, then filter for project files.
Also, filter for unique extensions to make sure I don't miss
any project types. 8: -)
export list
Moderator: SourceGear
Re: export list
You could try using the command line client and push the results to a file. For example, if you used listfolder, ... LISTFOLDER, it would look something like:
vault LISTFOLDER -host xxxxxx -user xxxxxxx -password xxxxxxx -repository "My Repository" $ >> C:\ListOfFiles.txt
vault LISTFOLDER -host xxxxxx -user xxxxxxx -password xxxxxxx -repository "My Repository" $ >> C:\ListOfFiles.txt
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support
SourceGear Technical Support