I'd like to be able to select a shelveset from the unshelve dialog and unshelve it without having to go into the details dialog first, such as through an Unshelve button, or a context menu item.
I'd also like to be able to delete multiple shelvesets at once. Currently I can select multiple shelvesets and bring up the context menu, but clicking on an entry in the menu does nothing.
When I first bring up the unshelve dialog, it appears that the keyboard focus is in the username field because the text is selected, but I can't type into it. If I tab a couple of times, then I can type. If I click in the username field and then back in the list, the selection disappears. When I then tab back to it, the selection reappears as it should.
The username combo box is a dropdown instead of a droplist, so I can type things into it that aren't valid usernames. When I do that and click Find, nothing happens. Unless there is some reason to type in random strings, such as being able to use wildcards or multiple usernames, this should be a droplist so that it will auto-complete as I'm typing.
I'm using 5.0.1, but didn't see anything in the release notes related to any of these things in 5.0.2 or 5.0.3.
Unshelve requests
Moderator: SourceGear
Re: Unshelve requests
I have put in feature requests on the first two paragraphs. The username box doesn't take typed in names right now. I have a feature request open that I have added your "vote" to.
On the third paragraph, I'm not getting the same behavior with Vault 5.0.3. I'll try to check into this a little further.
F: 15364, 15365, 15283
On the third paragraph, I'm not getting the same behavior with Vault 5.0.3. I'll try to check into this a little further.
F: 15364, 15365, 15283
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support
SourceGear Technical Support
Re: Unshelve requests
I think you misunderstood the username request. Right now you can type in the box, and then use the arrow keys to select the matching username. There are two basic styles for that type of control If the style of the control was changed to the other one, then typing in the field would directly select the names from the list.