Upgrade to 5_0_3_18802 (x86)

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Upgrade to 5_0_3_18802 (x86)

Post by btd » Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:31 pm

Env: Windows 2003 SP2 x86. Vault and DB all on the same server!

Here is what I did in my test environment.

Restored my production SQLServer sgvault db to test. Note: Current version of vault is 3.16 (SG3658)
On the same box, I bypassed installing 3.16 and went ahead (from previous thread) and installed 3.19 x86.
After install I was able to successfully access Vault Client and Vault Admin.

next, I installed VaultServer_5_0_3_18802 (x86).msi.
Everything went fine until.....Upgrading SourceGear source control database schema...

Then it threw an error and somehow Vault is now gone! I have no Virtual Directories, No icons to click. it even deleted e:\inetpub\wwwroot.

What am I suppose to do?

Please advise.

Here is the complete log and error message

looking for IIS Version
Upgrading your Vault configuration.
Requesting the IIS Process User...Looking for websites on this machine...
Looking for websites on this machine...
Prepped IIS Path : IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC. Preparing to do directory entry
Directory Entry succeeded : W3SVC
W3SVC child is 1535762025
1535762025Added to _websites
Found website - 'Team Foundation Server'
W3SVC child is 1720207907
1720207907Added to _websites
Found website - 'Office Server Web Services'
W3SVC child is 1841184605
1841184605Added to _websites
Found website - 'FHLBCIN'
W3SVC child is 1987764891
1987764891Added to _websites
Found website - 'SharePoint Central Administration v3'
W3SVC child is 2145722399
2145722399Added to _websites
Found website - 'SharePoint - 80'
W3SVC child is AppPools
W3SVC child is Filters
W3SVC child is Info
W3SVC child is 998577302
998577302Added to _websites
Found website - 'Default Web Site'
Creating the Virtual Directory, VaultService...Already Exists.
Creating the Virtual Directory, SgDav...OK
Creating the Virtual Directory, VaultShadowFolder...Already Exists.
Connecting to the SQL Server...OK
Verifying the SQL Server requirements...OK
Requesting Vault Admin user password...OK
Upgrading the existing source control database...
This may take a long time. Do NOT stop this process!
Found 'Auto Update Statistics' ON for database sgvault -- setting it to OFF...OK
Checking the installed database version...OK
Creating SourceGear master database schema...OK
Ensuring that sgvaultuser has access to the database... Grant database access to sgvaultuser...OK
Upgrading SourceGear master database schema...OK
Upgrading SourceGear source control database schema...Database 'sgvault' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
The statement has been terminated.
Error during Vault upgrade script.
Vault Upgrade Setup is exiting due to a failure or cancellation. Error Code = -1001
After pressing [OK] the install will complete and launch a Web browser where you can enter license keys. Please log in with the user name and password that you supplied during this install.
Please press OK to continue.

After I pressed OK I did not get redirected to Web Browser where I can enter in license keys.

513 822 7066
Cincinnati, Ohio

Posts: 324
Joined: Fri May 13, 2005 1:50 pm

Re: Upgrade to 5_0_3_18802 (x86)

Post by btd » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:59 am

Also after pressing ok,I looked in the database and found that sgvault was magically changed to sgvault (single user) and a sgmaster database was created. Very odd.

Question: After upgrading to 3.1.9, am I suppose to change the license key to 5.0.3 first and then upgrade to vault 5.0.3?

I tried running the upgrade to 5.0.3 a second time and got this error message --Error Code = -1280

Looking for IIS Version
Configuring your new Vault Installation
Requesting the IIS Process User...
Pre-Website Check...

Entering Website Check...
Looking for websites on this machine...
Looking for websites on this machine...
Prepped IIS Path : IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC. Preparing to do directory entry
Directory Entry succeeded : W3SVC
W3SVC child is 1535762025
1535762025Added to _websites
Found website - 'Team Foundation Server'
W3SVC child is 1720207907
1720207907Added to _websites
Found website - 'Office Server Web Services'
W3SVC child is 1841184605
1841184605Added to _websites
Found website - 'FHLBCIN'
W3SVC child is 1987764891
1987764891Added to _websites
Found website - 'SharePoint Central Administration v3'
W3SVC child is 2145722399
2145722399Added to _websites
Found website - 'SharePoint - 80'
W3SVC child is AppPools
W3SVC child is Filters
W3SVC child is Info
W3SVC child is 998577302
998577302Added to _websites
Found website - 'Default Web Site'

Successfully exited Website Check...
You chose to put Vault on website: 'IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/998577302/Root'
Creating the Virtual Directory, VaultService...Already Exists.
Creating the Virtual Directory, SgDav...Already Exists.
Creating the Virtual Directory, VaultShadowFolder...Already Exists.
Requesting Vault Admin user password...OK
Connecting to the SQL Server...OK
Verifying the SQL Server requirements...OK
Checking for existing databases...Found.
Asking for database's fate...Keep existing.
Upgrading the existing source control database...
This may take a long time. Do NOT stop this process!
Found 'Auto Update Statistics' ON for database sgmaster -- setting it to OFF...OK
Checking the installed database version...OK
Found existing sgvault database earlier than Vault 4/Fortress 1 and found existing sgmaster database
Detaching and renaming existing sgmaster database files...OK
Creating SourceGear master database schema...OK
Ensuring that sgvaultuser has access to the database... Grant database access to sgvaultuser...OK
Upgrading SourceGear master database schema...OK
Upgrading SourceGear source control database schema...Database 'sgvault' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
The statement has been terminated.
Error during Vault upgrade script.
Vault Setup is exiting due to a failure or cancellation. Error Code = -1280

Please advise

Posts: 8550
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:24 pm
Location: SourceGear

Re: Upgrade to 5_0_3_18802 (x86)

Post by Beth » Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:36 am

Just an update on this to benefit other readers. We discussed this offline and got the user upgraded. Starting with Vault 4.x the Vault database now consists of two databases, sgmaster and sgvault. During the upgrade, the previous database will be split. In this case what we were running into was a left over sgmaster database that was sitting on the disk, but not listed in the SQL Server Management Studio, from a failed previous upgrade. We deleted that database and were able to complete the upgrade.

This case is only relevant for users going from Vault 3.x to Vault 4.x or higher. After Vault 4.x, users should not delete the sgmaster database as they will be removing all their users and administrative data.

F: 219515
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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