I am simply looking to pull the latest source from SourceGear Vault, Compile the Solution and XCOPY the output to the web directory.
I am not looking to use cruise control or Nant. I tried to use Deploy.exe available from SourceGear but I don't know what the command line options are. I was able to generate an XML file using the visual deploy tool but I am not sure what to do from that point on. I have searched the site and google but have not been able to find any answers on using deploy.exe. I have also tried depoy.exe -?, deploy.exe /?, deploy.exe HELP with no luck.
How do I get the sourcegear tool deploy.exe to pull from my SOS repository to a specified directory?
A Simple Build
Moderator: SourceGear
Re: A Simple Build
For some reason it doesn't like the uppercase letters for the help command. Try all lower case:
the documentation results should be:
Code: Select all
deploy help
Code: Select all
-user username
Username to use when connecting to server.
-password password
Password to use when connecting to server.
-server host
Hostname of the server to connect to.
-repository repositoryname
Repository to connect to.
Enables SSL for server connection.
-source repositoryPath
The repository path of the source folder to be deployed.
-target targetLocation
A local path or ftp location to deploy to.
Act recursively on source folder.
-xml xmlFilePath
The path of an xml file to read parameters from.
-ftpUser username
Username to use when connecting to FTP server.
-ftpPassword password
Password to use when connecting to FTP server.
-ftpPort portNumber
Port to use when connecting to FTP server. (defaults to 21)
-ftpAnonymous Enables anonymous FTP authentication.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager