Copy the folder from one tree to other tree ... (Not branching)
We are using Vault 4.1.0. We are using both for source and also for deployment. We are small team but trying to maintain a process. Meaning ...
- We created a tree like dev, test, live.
Developers will work only on dev.
We have multiple projects and the tree some what looks like...
$\dev\Releases - Dev2Test\ - We have folder called "Releases - Dev2Test".
$\dev\Releases - Dev2Test\ - When Developer wants to publish, he will create new folder say "Req - 200", "Req - 201" ...
Developer will have to copy the whole tree which he wants to publish to this tree.
$\dev\Releases - Dev2Test\Req - 200\Project1\SQL\Code\...
The reason we are keeping the whole tree, is to help understand different request as we have multiple projects in long term. - The build person will Copy the whole tree from $\dev\ to $\test\ and deploy it.
... he has to copy to $\test\Releases - Dev2Test\ (from $\dev\Releases - Dev2Test\Req - 200\Project1\SQL\Code\...)
... he informs to the person who requested about the deploy success. He then his routine check and informs to the build that go ahead to live.
... If every thing alright (after test build succeed), then the build guy creates $\live\Releases - Test2Live\ ..
the above procedure is repeated for live - from test to live. - The approach is being used for quite some time and working fine.