I have noticed that the LabVIEW (LV) IDE has not been supported in previous versions. Has this changed in any way with the newest version.
My initial experiment indicates that I can create the project from within the LV IDE, but then any future changes to the files are not properly checked out. Files are still on PC (how I configured IDE), but as a Read Only status.
My company has moved from SourceSafe to Vault for all of our other software development and would like to also add the LV code.
I have included an excerpt from an NI website identifying what Source Control providers are compatible and identifies that any .NET compatibility may be sufficient to make others work.
Thank you in advance.
Which Third-Party Source Control Providers Can I Use with LabVIEW 8.0 and later?
The following list includes source control providers that have been tested for integration and basic functionality with the LabVIEW 8.x PDS on Windows:
• Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
• Microsoft Team System
• Perforce
• Rational ClearCase
• PCVS (Serena) Version Manager
• MKS Source Integrity
• PushOK CVS
• PushOK SVN
• Seapine Surround SCM
• Borland StarTeam
• Telelogic Synergy
• ionForge Evolution
This list of source control providers is not intended to list all compatible providers. If a certain provider is not listed, it may or may not integrate with the LabVIEW 8.x PDS. If a source control provider is compatible with the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET development environment, the source control provider should integrate with the LabVIEW 8.x PDS. Please refer to the link below for information about how to access third-party source control providers from within the LabVIEW environment.
Pasted from <http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websea ... enDocument>
LabVIEW 2009 support
Moderator: SourceGear
Re: LabVIEW 2009 support
We haven't tested Vault with LabView and it's not one we support. It sounds like there might be a chance of it working if it uses a MSSCCI interface. It might be worth a try. We just can't make a guarantee on it since we haven't gone through a round of testing with it.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support
SourceGear Technical Support
Re: LabVIEW 2009 support
Hi, I'm trying to evaluate Vault for LabVIEW 2009.jmfulton wrote: My initial experiment indicates that I can create the project from within the LV IDE, but then any future changes to the files are not properly checked out. Files are still on PC (how I configured IDE), but as a Read Only status.
What was the result of your tests? Do you currently use Vault with LabVIEW?
My conclusions so far is that I only can use Vault externally using the Vault client, and not within LabVIEW.
This is because when I try to configure SCC in LabVIEW I immediately get the following error:
"Error -2924 occurred at prefPage_Source Control.vi"
But if I understand you correctly, you've managed to get pass that and create a Vault project from within the LabVIEW IDE, correct?
National Instruments have implemented calls to the MS SCC interface, and supports some other third party SCC clients like for instance PushOK.
I'd be happy to get LabVIEW integration working Vault, or at least to get some clear statement that this isn't possible.
Re: LabVIEW 2009 support
Not really, because I don't even have LabView to try this with. It's just been our general past experience that if the interface is MSSCCI compliant that there's a chance of being able to use it.But if I understand you correctly, you've managed to get pass that and create a Vault project from within the LabVIEW IDE, correct?
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support
SourceGear Technical Support