Detecting files in Shelvesets

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Detecting files in Shelvesets

Post by wkrzystek » Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:22 am

Is there any indicator available in the vault client file list that a given file is part of an existing shelveset? From what I've been able to see, short of going through the View Shelved Changes menu or hitting unshelve which pops the same dialog, there is no real way to tell if the user had undid the checkout when they shelved the modified file. It would be nice if there was some sort of different icon (like for a shared file) or other way to tell if a file was part of an outstanding shelveset. We're currently using Vault Thanks.

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Re: Detecting files in Shelvesets

Post by Beth » Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:35 pm

If you are in the Vault GUI client, when you select Unshelve, then select an item and details, you can see an overview of what is in that particular shelf.
there is no real way to tell if the user had undid the checkout when they shelved the modified file
In the Vault GUI client, you will see if someone has it checked out. If it's not checked out, then there is the chance they had checked in the changes which would be in the history.

I can put in a feature request for some thing to indicate a file is a part of a current shelve set.

F: 14862
shelve window1.JPG
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Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

Posts: 33
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Re: Detecting files in Shelvesets

Post by wkrzystek » Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:50 pm

I guess I would like to submit a feature request to have some way to tell that a file is part of a shelveset, either by icon or by status or by an asterisk in the filename or a new column or something. While its possible to find out all of this information if you go looking in the view shelved changes details, its not really that intuitive nor practical to iterate through each and every potential shelveset to look for instances of a file.

Here's my scenario - I want to modify a file. I look at the file details in the list and its not checked out by anyone so I check it out and modify it and check in my changes. Since I didn't take the time to check out all of the shelvesets first, I didn't know that there was a shelved change out there that did the same actions I just added or conflicted with my changes, etc. Obviously communication among the developers is still the best way to handle this but since this is new functionality, its not part of the standard operating procedures to view all shelveset details before checking out a file.

I love the new functionality, I just think some sort of indicator would help to alert you that someone else has changes on the shelf somewhere. Thanks.

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Re: Detecting files in Shelvesets

Post by Beth » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:16 pm

I added your additional comments to what I had logged. Thank you for the feedback.

F: 14862
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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