Binding using VS2005/2008 and Vault 3.5.2

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Binding using VS2005/2008 and Vault 3.5.2

Post by frizzo » Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:28 pm

Hello, we branch quite often and I keep on having to rebind the solutions/projects all the time and it's time consuming and annoying. Our solutions typically contain 7-8 projects, so you can imagine that it's a PITA to do this regularly.

I have the following questions:

1. Is it possible to use the Visual Studio Enhanced Client with my version of Vault? I've been reading about it, but not sure whether I can use it.
2. When I bind, The "Add to Vault Folder" dialog comes up, but it's too small. I keep on having to resize it to even see the entire tree. Is there a way to force the dialog to either start with a different size or remember its size?
3. My project structure mirrors that in Vault (since I just get latest on everything). Since the solution file knows where all the projects are, why can't I just bind the solution and then have all the projects be bound automatically? Kind of makes sense.
4. Is there a tool or something available that updates bindings of the solutions and projects when branching (or even after the fact).
5. Can someone point me to a link that explains the meaning of the *.vssscc and MSSCCPRJ.SCC files? Because I might just want to create a tool - it's so annoying.


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Re: Binding using VS2005/2008 and Vault 3.5.2

Post by lbauer » Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:10 am

The Enhanced Client is only available in Vault 4.x and later. This client gives the source control provider more control over integration with Visual Studio. If you're using Classic Client integration, which uses the MSSCCI protocol, we don't have much control over how the source control integration works.

What kinds of binding problems are you experiencing?

Have you tried branching and then opening the branch from Source Control? This should create the proper bindings.

What steps are you taking when you branch and then open the project?

Details on the mssccprj.scc file are here: ... S.80).aspx

We have a power toy that unbinds from the Classic Client and rebinds to the VSIP client. You don't have the VSIP Client, but you might get some ideas from this to unbind and rebind to the Classic Client:
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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