The 800+ requests look like the following:
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Header><VaultAuth xmlns=""><Token>1146ed8e-6c11-4aa2-b9d1-98b6c4ea7895d1wLilXymfcnNbg0YgKSTQ==</Token></VaultAuth></soap:Header><soap:Body><GetCheckOutListChanges xmlns=""><nRepID>12</nRepID><nCheckoutListRevision>21037</nCheckoutListRevision><dtLastLockDate><Ticks>583644240000000000</Ticks></dtLastLockDate></GetCheckOutListChanges></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
This doesn't seem to be happening for every developer, only a few of us, and it only recently started about a week ago. I can't find any configuration differences between those that work fine, and those with the problem. I have tried using the vault client to manually clear the client cache, and ive manually deleted the cache directories using explorer to no effect.
The delay is happening with the latest 5.0 build released today, thought they also happened with the 4.1 version previous to this. All developers are using Vista Premium x64, with VS 2008 SP1 using the Vault Enhanced Client.
Any help you can give us in fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated.