Vault slowness hypothesis

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Vault slowness hypothesis

Post by boy141 » Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:25 pm

Hi Linda and Beth,

It's been a while but the the slowness problem we are experiencing have arise again. I saw this link the other day: ... ime#p48271

Here's what our tree structure looks like
--+ $

Yup, that's right, 16 branches of mid-large size projects. Our trunk code-base is for example, 10K files. When we create a branch, the repository is huge. When we log on into vault, it is ridiculously slow and the vault.exe is 400KB+ and CPU usage is greater than 85. So I when I looked at the other post, I noticed
Try reducing the amount of checkouts, if possible, or unset some of the working folders you're not using, and see if that makes a difference. Also, if you're using "ghosted" files and folders in the file list/folder tree, turn that off as this also causes scanning of the working folders.
:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: Here's the kicker:

So right now, we all, as a default, set $ to a folder and clicked force subfolders. What if we set only the folders went want to use. For instance, I want to set Folder3 and Folder1 to their own folders (force subfolders) therefore ignoring all the other folders. Will vault ignore the other folders and stop building the cache/synch?

Do you think speed will improve? Also, the other branch folders are cloaked on my machine and there really isn't any improvement. I am running an experiment tomorrow and monday.

Also, if cloaking really, really works, could you please include an option under the profile screen to "CLOAK ALL FOLDERS UPON LOGGING IN?" New branches are developed weekly and I RARELY log into vault. When I log in, sometimes i have 5 new repositories that my cache builds and have to wait to cloak after the sync'ing mode.

This is truly a pain when a NEW contractor comes into the organization. All the folders have to be built which could be arduous. :evil:

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Re: Vault slowness hypothesis

Post by lbauer » Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:11 pm

What if we set only the folders went want to use. For instance, I want to set Folder3 and Folder1 to their own folders (force subfolders) therefore ignoring all the other folders. Will vault ignore the other folders and stop building the cache/synch?
For this to work, remove the working folder on Root, the explicity set the working folder on the folders you need to work on. This way, Vault Client only needs to scan two folders, let's say, rather than the entire local folder structure to see the file status.

Also -- do you need all those branches all the time? If you don't need some of the branches, try deleting them temporarily. This does not remove them from the repository, it just removes them from the tree view and can help performance. You can always undelete them by selecting the parent folder, right-click and choose Properties->Deleted items.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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