License problem after moving the server

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License problem after moving the server

Post by nicolajb » Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:02 am


I have a problem with the license on my Vault Server. I had the server in one location, but unfortunately the motherboard broke down and I moved the disk to another server on another location. The new server boots from the same disk so the setup is the same.
I can connect to the Vault server via the admin tool and everything looks fine.

When I try to connect to the server with the vault client I get this error message: “The number of active users exceeds the number of currently available licenses. Logins will be disabled until you deactivate some users, or acquire more license seats. See License tab for information about your license.”

The strange thing is that I have a 5 user license and only 2 active users???

I get the same message when I try to change, for example, the password of one of the users via the admin tool.

I have tried to deactivate and reactivate the license without any luck :(

Please help me n this one!

Nicolaj Borchorst

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Post by dan » Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:15 am

The problem is probably the move to a new machine - the error message you are getting indicates the license isn't valid any longer.

Did the deactivation succeed, or did it return an error (and does it list the serial number as deactivated after you are done)? It may be that the deactivation didn't work correctly.

Privately send me your deactivation request (and your serial number), and I'll see if I can deactivate it from here.

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Post by nicolajb » Thu Jun 03, 2004 8:37 am

dan wrote:Did the deactivation succeed, or did it return an error (and does it list the serial number as deactivated after you are done)? It may be that the deactivation didn't work correctly.
Yeah it worked allright when deactivating the license - It didn't returned any errors.
dan wrote: Privately send me your deactivation request (and your serial number), and I'll see if I can deactivate it from here.
Done :wink:

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Post by lbauer » Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:14 am

This was resolved off-line. The problem was that the Vault Server machine's clock was set to a date in 2003. Once the date was corrected, the license worked.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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