Adding the Vault web client to IE's Trusted Sites

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Adding the Vault web client to IE's Trusted Sites

Post by jeremy_sg » Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:44 am

The Fortress and Vault Web Clients have been enhanced with many features that rely on Javascript. By default, Windows Server installations restrict the content that Internet Explorer will allow, so Javascript may be disabled on the server machine. This post explains how to easily configure Internet Explorer to run the Admin Web Client on Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008.

NOTE: The following should only be necessary if you are using Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2003 or 2008, and you want to set up or administer Fortress/Vault from that machine. It is NOT necessary if you are using Firefox, Opera, or Google Chrome, OR if your OS is Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7.

The Web Client will notify you on the Login page if Javascript is not enabled:


Rather than globally enabling Javascript, a safer approach is to simply tell Internet Explorer to recognize the server address as a "Trusted Site" where, in most cases, Javascript is already enabled. This needs to be done only once, and it can be done very simply as follows:

Launch the Web Client (Start|All Programs|Sourcegear|Admin Web Client)


Toward the right of the Status Bar you'll see the Security Zone indicator:


If it says "Local intranet" or "Trusted sites," then you don't need to do anything else. Your server is already set up to recognize itself as a local address.

If the status bar says "Internet" or "Restricted," then double-click the indicator. This will bring up the "Internet Security Properties" dialog. Select "Trusted sites" and click the "Sites" button:


Your server name should appear, ready to add to the Zone. Click "Add." (Uncheck "Require server verification..." if necessary.)


Close the two dialogs, and refresh your browser. The Admin Client will now offer full functionality.

For more options in much more detail, see Microsoft's instructions at: ... tings.mspx

Login page with Javascript notice
login.png (15.42 KiB) Viewed 23756 times
Internet Explorer running the Web Client
IEwindow.png (29.76 KiB) Viewed 23862 times
Security Zone indicator on the status bar
ZoneStatus.png (3.59 KiB) Viewed 23861 times
Choose Trusted sites
SecurityProperties.png (30.41 KiB) Viewed 23861 times
Add your server to Trusted Sites
TrustedZone.png (14.08 KiB) Viewed 23862 times

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