Bug: Command Line History

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Bug: Command Line History

Post by dwayne_davis » Thu May 27, 2004 4:40 pm

Let me start by saying that Vault is a very cool product, and the support you guys give through these forums is great.

Now that I've buttered you up ;)

I've noticed a bug in the command line client with the HISTORY command. Below is a snapshot of the same command, the only difference being the second command uses a -begindata parameter. Notice that the name when the date is included in the query does not have the full path:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client>vault history -host nbg_vault -user ddavis -repository "Default Repository" -rowlimit 1 "$/"
 <item txid="17041" date="5/27/2004 2:35:05 PM" name="$/Documents/NBG IP Designation.xls" type="60" version="14" user="Mlow" comment="Updated ip's for Mimio laptop" />
<result success="yes" />

C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client>vault history -host nbg_vault -user ddavis -repository "Default Repository" -rowlimit 1 -begindate "5/27/2004" "$/"
 <item txid="17041" date="5/27/2004 2:35:05 PM" name="NBG IP Designation.xls" type="60" version="14" user="Mlow" comment="Updated ip's for Mimio laptop" />
<result success="yes" />
From what I can see in the code provided in the Vault Client API (very cool that you give this, by the way), the name is used straight away in either case, so I think this is being set differently from the server.

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Post by jclausius » Thu May 27, 2004 9:08 pm

What is missing is the full path to the item in the second query. Pretty strange. You can also see this in the GUI client - run a couple of history queries against $. In one, do not specify a date range. In the second, use "on or after".

Thanks for the report. I'll add this to our list.
Jeff Clausius

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