'FailDBReader' on any access after moving repository DB

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'FailDBReader' on any access after moving repository DB

Post by abilger » Mon May 24, 2004 10:17 am

Windows 2003 Server
Vault 2.0.3

We just upgraded our server to new hardware, and planned to move Vault over. Both machines were 2003/II6 based, Vault installed on machine account (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE), with windows authentication used for the SQL. Database and web server with Vault before and after are on the same machine, ie. were both on old server and moving both to new server.

After installing and attaching the database on the new server, it can be found and accessed via the admin tool. Repository options, users, and our license are properly viewable. Any attempt to use vault client though logs in (it does check username+pw as invalid ones fail), but then pops up a dialog box 'A database error has occurred (FailDBReader)'. The client may then show a hierarchy of folders+files, but any attempt to checkout, diff, etc. again results in the FailDBReader error. Any user including admin gets the same result.

Although users should not have changed, I have attempted the addition step outlined in the knowledge base article about moving the database to add the user permissions. NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE was previously a dbo user, and after running the script it still was. I also tried dropping all non-sa users first then running the script. None of these helped and the scenario is still the same - admin can be used, users can login, but get FailDBReader after login and on any operation.

Please let me know any ideas to address this or if there is any more information I can provide to help diagnose. Thanks.


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Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:39 am
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Post by jeremy_sg » Mon May 24, 2004 10:26 am

Have you checked you Vault server log in C:\WINDOWS\Temp\sgvault\sgvault.log? Usually, there's something in there that will give you more information. My initial guess is that you are seeing a manifetstation of http://support.sourcegear.com/viewtopic.php?t=275


Post by abilger » Mon May 24, 2004 10:43 am

I believe the issue is distinct from the one referenced, but the information from that log file may be helpful. This is the log resulting from starting Vault client, logging in as abilger, and closing the client after getting the FailDBReader message:

----5/24/2004 12:32:53 PM abilger--tieroneserver( Disabled
----5/24/2004 12:32:55 PM abilger--tieroneserver( Disabled
Procedure 'spgetlockedfilechanges' expects parameter '@userid', which was not supplied.
----5/24/2004 12:32:55 PM abilger--tieroneserver( Disabled
GetCheckOutListChanges returned: FailDBReader
----5/24/2004 12:32:57 PM abilger--tieroneserver( Disabled

Sproc spgetlockedfilechanges exists in sgvault DB, but is not viewable (encrypted). This sounds like versionitis. I used 2.0.3 on the new server since that was what was downloadable (unfortunately didn't save an old msi); if the DB was created by 2.0 could it not be usable with a 2.0.3? Thanks.



Post by abilger » Mon May 24, 2004 11:14 am

Progress! Instead of moving existing DB to new server with Vault 2.0.3, I went back to the old server and run 2.0.3 installation to see if that was what was needed to properly upgrade the DB. It did an updating DB schema+sproc step, so seemed promising. Apparently Vault operationally doesn't check DB version, but installer does and handles this. After moving over the DB and attaching it is was necessary to run the script even though NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE was already DBO. Admin + user login and operation are working now. Thanks!


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