Feature Request: Would like a Get since Date or Label

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Feature Request: Would like a Get since Date or Label

Post by davenovak » Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:30 pm

Is there any way to ask Vault to get files since a given date or label?

Using Show Labels, I can easily get all files associated with a label, but I cannot get just the files that have changed. I can even Diff a label and see the files that changed, but cannot do a get from the Show Differences dialog.

I can also run a Show History from either a date or a label, change Actions to be just Checkin and Add and this will provide me with a list of the changes. Though the list allows me to do individual Gets on each change, it does not allow me to select the entire list and do a single Get on that list.

Is there some other way to accomplish this?

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Post by Beth » Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:10 pm

Off the top of my head, all I can think of would be to write something against the Vault API.

I can take a feature request for this functionality if you would like.


Posts: 222
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 2:15 pm
Location: Atlanta, GA

Post by davenovak » Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:59 am

Yes, that would be great.

This functionality actually is VERY close to working from the Show History results, if you request history since a label or date and specify only the actions Checkin and Add. The only problem is that when you select more than one item from the History Explorer window, you are not able to perform an action (such as Get) on those items.

Yes, I understand that allowing actions on multiple selection can be complicated given that there are about 14 different actions that History can report on. But if the selected actions are all either Checkin or Add, then Get should be supported. And if more than 1 version of any one file is selected in the list, you can just always get the most recent of the selected versions by executing gets from oldest to newest.

The other thought would be to support this as a variant upon the existing Get Latest, calling it Get Since. This could even be supported as a Power Toy.

The "Use Case" for this is we share our software with other companies, who do not have access to our Vault database. Typically for a new release, we provide our customers with a set of the files that have changed since the last sync point. Since we label each sync point, it would be very handy to do a Get Since from Vault (to a temporary directory) to get the files that the customer will need. Currently, we must rely upon 3rd-party tools (such as Beyond Compare) to help us put together this list.

This is by no means a huge priority, but it sure would make a nice feature.
