IDE Integration

If you are having a problem using Vault, post a message here.

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IDE Integration

Post by rgkeefer » Tue May 18, 2004 11:13 am

A few of our developers have reported the following issues regarding Visual Studio .NET IDE integration and Vault:

1) Get Latest Version from visual studio doesn’t actually get a latest version.
2) Check-in doesn’t actually checks in the file if vault server stops responding in between. After connection is restored, file is shown as checked in but actual content remains the same.
3) Files added to projects are not reflected by a Get Latest Version command. We need to close down visual studio and reopen it to make it work.
4) Undo checkout doesn’t replace the local file if done from the IDE.

We are using Vault 2.0.2 with Visual Studio .NET 2002 and the corresponding Vault patch.

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Post by dan » Tue May 18, 2004 1:29 pm

There are a number of knowledge base article at that might help with some of these.

The most common cause for things like this are that options are set to not overwrite modified files, or the files have an Unknown status (see the GUI client for the status of the files in question).

Take a look at the kb articles, and see if any of them help. If not, report back which issues are still problems.


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