Get File History Fails on SOS server 4.1.2

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Post by mdw_cubed » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:24 am

I'm not in the office this week and will have to get authorisation before I can upload our database, and I'm afraid it may well not be possible to get authorisation. I will see what I can arrange.

Below are the responses to your questions...
--You can use that database normally in every other way except for retrieving a history?
I have had no other reports of issues accessing the database other than history on some files.
--How many VSS databases do you have?
We have 3 databases. The first, main database which is where the issues are reported. A second database is used for holding specifications and test results (in lieu of a Document Management System), the 3rd was a temporary database we used for .NET development while we researched setting up Team Foundation Server.
--Is this issue only present on some of them? And, if so, is it the entire database or with just some files?
The issue only seems to be present in our main database which is by far the biggest. The only issues I know about are particular binary files. I have had no reports of issues with source code (text) files.
--Have you run an analyze on your database (more information on that earlier in this thread)?
Yes, I regularly run Analyze and Fix on our database as a part of the backup procedure.
--Can you get a file history with VSS?
Yes, no problems are found either with VSS Explorer V6 or 2005
--Only remote users had an issue, or was it internal and remote?
It is only users accessing the database using Source Offsite. I have a license to access from home and it fails remotely. I have also generated an IKY file to access internally while in the office to verify the SOS Service is running and SOS has the same issue.

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