Multiple Checkout Problem in SOS 4.0.2

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Chris Koenig

Multiple Checkout Problem in SOS 4.0.2

Post by Chris Koenig » Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:01 am

Using SOS Version 4.0.2

When we are attempting to use Multiple Checkouts, we're encountering problems with the automatic merge. Here's the scenario:

User A (only ever used SOS - never ran VSS)
User B (uses VSS)

User A Checks out File
User B Checks out File
User B Changes File
User B Checks In File
User A Chooses "get latest" with the attempt to Automatically Merge

User A recieves the following message box:

$/Test Automatic Merge.txt could not be automatically merged

User A then is left with their old version of the file and no changes from User B.

Any ideas on why we might be seeing this problem? it only seems to happen with some users - not with all users...

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Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Tue Dec 28, 2004 12:40 pm

This was answered in the Discussion forum:
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Chris Koenig

Post by Chris Koenig » Wed Dec 29, 2004 8:40 am

OK, but won't this portentially become a problem if we try to "get latest" across several files at once?

Visual Source Safe will autmatically launch its merge utility when it encounters this condition and ask the user to deal with the problem then. Are you saying that we will have to manaully ask for a manual merge for each file that can not be automatically merged? If so, how will SOS help me identify which files need merging and which do not? So far, I have never seen the "Needs Merge" status listed on any of our files...

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Post by lbauer » Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:34 am

Let's go back to the original scenario:
User A Checks out File
User B Checks out File
User B Changes File
User B Checks In File
User A Chooses "get latest" with the attempt to Automatically Merge

User A recieves the following message box:

$/Test Automatic Merge.txt could not be automatically merged
We're assuming that User A has made changes to his file, too. When he does a "Get latest" and the local file has been modified, there are conflicts, so User A gets the message that the file could not be automatically merged.

Is that the case? If not, what is the status of User A's file before he does a "Get Latest" on his checked out file? (User A may need to refresh the file list to update the status.)
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Chris Koenig

Post by Chris Koenig » Wed Dec 29, 2004 10:27 am

That is the case. When we do this purely from VSS, I either get an automatic merge (behind the scenes) or the merge window pops up telling me that I need to reconcile changes with a manual merge.

The challenge we're having is that our old VSS process don't seem to work now and we would like some help with recommendations or best practices for getting SOS to do the same thing for us as VSS...

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:46 am

When we do this purely from VSS, I either get an automatic merge (behind the scenes) or the merge window pops up telling me that I need to reconcile changes with a manual merge.
The main difference is that VSS automatically opens up the merge window and SOS does not. You need to Show Merge on files with a needs merged state.

Here's the scenario again, except with User A modifying the file locally.
User A Checks out File
User B Checks out File
User B Changes File -- status is Edited
User A Changes File -- status is Edited
User B Checks In File
User A's file status should be Needs Merged
User A Chooses "get latest" with the attempt to Automatically Merge

If User A recieves the following message box:

"$/Test Automatic Merge.txt could not be automatically merged" this means there was a conflict that needs manual resolution.

I'm not sure why you're not seeing "needs merged." What is the status of User A's file after User B checks in a file that User A has also checked out and edited?

You might need to refresh the file list periodically to see the needs merged status.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Chris Koenig

Post by Chris Koenig » Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:34 am

OK - We'll try refreshing the file list manually and see if it makes a difference, and then try to manually merge just through SOS.

BTW - apart from some simple testing of SOS features, so far we've been working only within VS.NET when editing source code.

Are there any "gotchas" for switching between the SOS client and VS.NET? I know that MS recommends that when using VSS integration with VS.NET that you should NOT use the VSS client while using VS.NET. Is the same true for using SOS? If so, then can we still perform all of the same activities from VS.NET using SOS integration that we can from just using SOS client?


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