vs.net 2003 issue

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vs.net 2003 issue

Post by f00sion » Sat Nov 27, 2004 1:02 am

I think I have my projects set up correctly at the integration seems to be working... I can check out a file but checking in through VS doesn't do anything... It still shows the checked out icon for the file both in VS and the client, I can then check in the file through the client and it works fine.. any ideas?



Post by f00sion » Sat Nov 27, 2004 1:11 am

actually, now that i mes with it some more when i check out through vs.net it shows its checked out through sos, but not through the regular vss client... Then when i check it in, vss has a new entry in the history and the version has all the latest changes..but in sos it still shows checked out until i check it in through the client... is this normal?

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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:14 pm

I'm not sure why VSS wouldn't show the file checked out if it was checked out in SOS. Did you refresh the file list?

File and checkout status may not show up properly until you do a refresh. SOS doesn't automatically refresh the project tree or file lists. You can set the file list to refresh periodically, though, or you can manually refresh.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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