SourceGear 3, $Date: $ and $History: $ bug

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SourceGear 3, $Date: $ and $History: $ bug

Post by lassevk » Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:53 am

I also reported this bug for Vault 2.

The $Date: $ keyword still expands the incorrect time, using the previous checkin instead of the current checkin.


10:45: Check out file
10:50: Check in changed file
10:55: Check out file
11:00: Check in changed file

$Date: $ keyword will now look like this:

$Date: 2004-12-02 10:50:00+01:00 $

This means the $Date: $ keyword is still useless to stamp the checkin date/time into the source file.

Additionally, the version history, which I also keep in the files, use the wrong times, and for some odd reason the times is more wrong than simply using the previous one.

One example file I have look like this:

#region Source Control History
// $History: /VS.NET/CleanupClipboard/Class1.cs $
// ****************** Version 3 ******************
// User: lassevk Date: 2004-12-02 Time: 10:32:35+01:00
// Updated in: /VS.NET/CleanupClipboard
// Test checkin
// ****************** Version 2 ******************
// User: lassevk Date: 2004-12-02 Time: 10:08:55+01:00
// Updated in: /VS.NET/CleanupClipboard
// Simplified code
// ****************** Version 1 ******************
// User: lassevk Date: 2004-12-02 Time: 10:32:03+01:00
// Updated in: /VS.NET/CleanupClipboard

This means I created the file at 10:32:03, check it out, checked it back in at 10:08:55, then out and back in at 10:32:35.

The history window from Vault shows the following times for the same actions: 10:31:56, 10:32:34, 10:42:32.

The minor discrepancies in seconds could possibly be attributed to the time spent doing these actions, ie. history entry in Vault shows first contact with file, $Date$ is stamped with time as the file is finished processing.

I realize that since I'm not a paying customer my support is limited but I assume more people use these tags and would like them to function as noted.

Version information:
- Windows 2003 Server, fully patched
- .NET 1.1
- Windows XP Client, fully patched for SP1 (SP2 not rolled out in company yet)

Vault version downloaded as of yesterday.

Link to previous post for Vault 2 is here.

And just for the record, Vault 3 is a hel***va lot faster than 2 :)

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Location: SourceGear

Post by dan » Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:46 am

We didn't have time to address this before the 3.0 ship - sorry about that.

Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2004 2:02 am

Quite alright :)

Post by lassevk » Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:52 am

I just wanted to tell you that I still experienced that bug. I have been part of a few product launches and I know things can get hectic and when people start screaming in the halls and papers start flying, things can go amiss :)

I also noted that the time from my initial bug post in this forum to your 3.0 release date was about a month, which also probably means code freeze.

Anyway, cheers with the new product. I love it already.

Your product was mentioned in the latest (92th as of this date, about smart clients) DotNetRocks show btw. Amongst the final 10-11 minutes or so when one of the callers starts listing up things that he's using / nice to have, etc.

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