Restrict Email Notification

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Restrict Email Notification

Post by tschneider » Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:15 am


is it possible to restrict Email Alert Notifications?
If i add a new item to ItemTracking a email alert is generating, so far so good.
But every time i add an attachment to it a new Email was sent and that is annyoing.

How can i prevent this.
It is completely sufficient to send an email when creating the item.


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Re: Restrict Email Notification

Post by Tonya » Wed Aug 17, 2022 6:50 am


In the Vault Client, under Tools, Options, Notifications, SourceGear Work Items, Work Items Event tab - you have the ability of enabling certain notifications. Such as Add, Delete, Modify Work Item.

You also have the ability of indicating when to send email notifications (digest send time): ... tings.html



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Re: Restrict Email Notification

Post by tschneider » Fri Aug 19, 2022 6:08 am


this is not valid for Weblcients because i have set following options only:
- Add Work Item
- Add Comment

But if i attach a file a new notification was sent.

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Re: Restrict Email Notification

Post by Tonya » Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:01 am

Hello again,

Are the notifications in regards to attachments by any chance have a comment added along with it?



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Re: Restrict Email Notification

Post by tschneider » Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:34 am

notifications also happen without comment

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Re: Restrict Email Notification

Post by Tonya » Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:41 am

Hello again,

Although you are using the web client, the Vault GUI Client has more options available to enable/disable when it comes to email notifications. My suggestion is to edit these options using the GUI Client, the changes will be reflected when using the web client as well. If the options don't help, please let me know and I will log a feature request.



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Re: Restrict Email Notification

Post by tficken2 » Wed Dec 07, 2022 12:30 pm

Yes! I agree with Thomas on this.

Selecting All Projects/Items assigned to me will get me an email every time someone adjusts a typo on a Work Item assigned to me. Too many emails.

Ideally (at least for us), I'd like to be able to receive an email when an item is routed to me. That way, I write up a Work Item and assign it to a programmer. He/she gets one notification. (If I need to add more detail to that issue, I don't want them to get dinged with a bunch more emails every time I update and save.) If the programmer has a question/can't dupe, they reassign to me, which triggers an email to me.

Checking Add under Work Item events doesn't really help either. I don't want to know any time someone adds a Work Item, I only care about the ones assigned to me.

Just a feature we'd like to see. Thanks for reading!


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Re: Restrict Email Notification

Post by Tonya » Wed Dec 07, 2022 6:29 pm

HI Tara,

Thank you very much for your input and feedback! I will make sure to get all the details you've provided us with added as an additional feature request.


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