Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

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Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by tficken2 » Tue May 17, 2022 8:28 am

Hi folks,

I seem to have mucked up my install of the Vault Pro client (10.2.0 (31222), or the associated VSIX. Last week I Reset the Client Cache Files from within Vault. I was pulling down the source again and preparing to build and I noticed that I couldn't go online (to Vault) from Visual Studio 2022. I have uninstalled and reinstalled both the Vault Pro Client and the VSIX, but I still get "Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service. Reinstall the Vault Professional client."

I tried to set up the IDE logging, but that did not output anything. It's possible I didn't do so properly, or maybe Visual Studio didn't have anything to say at that point. Any thoughts on how I can fix? Thanks!


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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by Tonya » Tue May 17, 2022 11:06 am

Hi Tara,

A couple of questions for you.

1) Where did you download the VS Vault extension from? Our download page on our website?

2) What happens when you try to connect using the Vault GUI Client? Any errors?



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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by tficken2 » Tue May 17, 2022 12:33 pm

Hi Tonya,

1) Yes, your download page on your website.
2) No, no errors using Vault via the Vault GUI client. (I have a Visual Studio 2010 that happily sees Vault and allows me to go online.)



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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by Tonya » Tue May 17, 2022 12:53 pm

Hello again,

So just to confirm, you can connect to your Vault Server using your Vault GUI Client and within Visual Studio 2010? The problem only resides in Visual Studio 2022? Did it ever work correctly? If so, the problem began immediately after you cleared your client-side cache file? Can you please confirm the version you have installed by referencing Extensions, Managing Extensions, Installed. What is the exact version?

Sorry for the numerous questions. I have never seen this error before.



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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by tficken2 » Tue May 17, 2022 2:13 pm

Hi Tonya,

Yes, I can connect to the Vault server using the Vault GUI Client, and from within Visual Studio 2010.
The problem only resides in Visual Studio 2022.

I'm not 100% sure it worked correctly prior to clearing the cache. Side story here. I don't work online often because for whatever reason Visual Studio will restart itself when I do. When I go and look in the event viewer, I see:
Application: devenv.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.NullReferenceException
at System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs..ctor(System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes, System.String, System.String)
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.RenamedEventHandler(System.Object, System.IO.RenamedEventArgs)
at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.OnRenamed(System.IO.RenamedEventArgs)
at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.CompletionStatusChanged(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)
at System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)
If I stay offline there are no restarts of Visual Studio. I recently got a new machine and went online to see if the restart issue improved. No luck. Unfortunately I don't remember if I tested in VS 2010 or VS 2022, so I can't say with certainty that I was ever online in VS 2022.

I have version of the extension.

Maybe this is a clue? I can't go online in VS 2022. I can build my solution there and work offline just fine.

If I go to VS 2010 and go online there, close, and then try to open the VS 2022 solution it tells me for each project "The project is under source control. An error occurred registering this project with source control. It is recommended that you do not make any changes to this project." If I go back to VS 2010 and take it offline, close, and then go back to my solution in VS 2022, THEN I can get in without any unpleasant messages. I still can't go online in VS 2022, but I can work with our solution.

I'm sorry for the wordiness. I'm just throwing stuff out there in case I say something that makes someone go "Aha! I know what's going on!"

Thank you,


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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by Tonya » Wed May 18, 2022 12:07 pm


We believe that you may have a corrupt download of the Vault extension for VS 2022. Can you please try to start over with a brand new install? This would require you to download the Vault extension from our download page again. Please let me know the outcome.



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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by Tonya » Wed May 18, 2022 3:25 pm

We'd also like to know the exact build that you have of Visual Studio 2022.



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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by tficken2 » Thu May 19, 2022 6:56 am

Hi Tonya,

A reinstall with a freshly pulled down extension didn't help. I will run offline until it's time to wipe my machine and start fresh.

I'm running Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64bit) - Current, Version 17.2.0.



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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by Tonya » Thu May 19, 2022 9:34 am


Thank you for the confirmation. There appears to be a problem with Vault in the VS 2022 17.2.x build. We are currently working on a resolution and I will let you know as soon as it is available.


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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by tficken2 » Thu May 19, 2022 11:30 am

Hi Tonya,

Ahhhhh! That makes sense. It works on my old machine, but when I installed VS 2022, it was version 17.0.5. Good to know! Thank you!


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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by Tonya » Thu May 19, 2022 11:16 pm


While we are working on addressing the issue, you can successfully use Vault with VS 2022 (17.1.7 - released May 10, 2022 or earlier updates).



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Re: Could not obtain Vault Pro connection service.

Post by Tonya » Sat May 21, 2022 9:02 pm

We have posted more information in regards to the problem on the forum:



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