Not displaying CheckIn and CheckOut Options in the project.

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Not displaying CheckIn and CheckOut Options in the project.

Post by jainsaurabh78 » Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:47 pm

I am saurabh. I am using SourceOffSite 3.5.3. We have 2 client keys to access remote source safe. One person can access remote source through this after providing IP Address, port, user name and password.
But on another machine when we are accessing remote source safe after giving IP ,port , user id and password then it is connecting to the remote machine but vb project is not dispaying optoins for check in and check out. With this how can I continue my work? Pls give me appropriate solution for this.I will be thankful to you.


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Post by lbauer » Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:49 pm

You may have to do some additional configuration to enable SOS integration with Visual Basic 6.

First, verify that SourceOffsite is your default Source Code Control Provider. This setting is in the SOS Windows Client under Tools->Options->General.

Next, in the VB menu select Add-ins->Add-in Manager.

From the list of available Add-ins, highlight "Source Code Control" and make sure "Load on Startup" and "Loaded/Unloaded" are checked in Load Behavior.

Additionally, you may want to check your vbaddin.ini file. There should be an entry for source code control integration, "vbscc." Set this to 1.

If these suggestions don't work, you may need to install a VSS client on the SOS Client machine. The VSS client provide something needed for IDE integration.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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