Exporting Differences

Support for our DiffMerge utility.

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Exporting Differences

Post by andyk » Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:10 pm

Hello Board,

I hope you can help me out, I am sure this is simple but I have not been able to nail it.

I have two files, which I need to compare and export the differences.
A) I cannot seem to get DiffMerge to ignore the records that are exactly the same but different line numbers within the files.
B) when producing the patch file, how can I modify it to only show me the differences and modifications when it relates to one of the two files?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Exporting Differences

Post by Tonya » Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:20 pm


I'm not quite sure I'm understanding your issue clearly. Could you please send a screenshot and perhaps a couple of files for examples to us? Please email them to support@sourcegear.com and reference this forum post.


Tonya Nunn

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