When using the FogBUGZ integration (or any bug tracking really) is it possible to have the "Update Bugs" box on the main Check In Form?
Rather then going:
Options > Advanced > Update Bugs > Bug# > OK
it would be nice if the box was just below the comments box.
Anyone know how to save me all those clicks?
Ideally it would be great it there was a dropdown of open bugs assigned to the FogBUGZ user of the same username, but I realize that would be hard to do with multiple bug tracking systems.
FogBUGZ Integration - Update Bugs Box Location
Moderator: SourceGear
I am assuming you are using the IDE? I believe the GUI standalone does have the bug number available in the main check in dialog.
In the case of the IDE, we really don't have any control over it - this is a Visual Studio dialog, and we are only given hooks for an "advanced" dialog that we are allowed to put up. So, there isn't much we can do to make it more visible.
In the case of the IDE, we really don't have any control over it - this is a Visual Studio dialog, and we are only given hooks for an "advanced" dialog that we are allowed to put up. So, there isn't much we can do to make it more visible.