Export items from Vault Pro?

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Export items from Vault Pro?

Post by ajj3085 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:27 pm

I have a client that is moving on. They are asking if I can export their items, say to excel. Anyway to accomplish this?

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Re: Export items from Vault Pro?

Post by Beth » Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:15 am

You can save the work items in a tab delimited file, which the user can import into Excel.

1) Go to the Vault work item web page (http://<your Vault server>/vaultpro).
2) Click on the project to export items from.
3) If you need all the data from each work item, then click on Preferences in the top left of the window. Under the Query option, click all the fields you want exported. Save the change.
4) Create a Query that will provide you with the work items you need and run it.
5) Scroll to the bottom and you will see a link for Save Items. You can either save All Items, or just select some items and use Selected Items.
6) Save the results to disk. It will be saved as a .tab. Send that file to the user and they can import it into the program of their choice.

The work items will still be present in your Vault Professional.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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