Vault CLC on Mac OS X with Mono

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Vault CLC on Mac OS X with Mono

Post by joe_sg » Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:15 pm

The Vault command-line client can be run on Intel Macs with the help of Mono, a free, portable .NET runtime.

Installing Mono

Download and install Mono for Mac OS X Runtime from the Mono Downloads page. The .dmg image contains an installer package and an uninstall script.

You will also need to create the directory "/usr/share/.mono" and set its permissions to grant read-write access to the users who will be running vault.

Installing Vault

Since Mono is a complete .NET runtime, the Vault command-line client and supporting libraries from Windows will run unmodified under Mono. You will need these files to run Vault on your Mac:
  • vault.exe
  • VaultClientNetLib.dll
  • VaultClientOperationsLib.dll
  • VaultLib.dll
  • VCDiff.dll
These files are included in the Vault Client API .zip archive, available on the Vault Downloads page.
Put the files in a single directory on your Mac.

Running Vault

Run Vault by invoking mono and passing the full path to vault.exe ( mono /path/to/vault.exe ) or create an executable shell script wrapper (in your path) to that effect. Mono will search the directory containing vault.exe for the DLL files it needs.

Application Data Path

On OS X, Vault stores its application data in "~/.local/share/SourceGear/". The file layout is identical to what you'd find on Windows in the "%APPDATA%\SourceGear" directory.
Joe Ream
SourceGear Technical Support

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