Unable to connect to vault DB

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Hassan Hussein
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:42 am

Unable to connect to vault DB

Post by Hassan Hussein » Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:48 am


We are having a problem with Vault Pro since one of our domain controllers went down. On our other apps we simply changed the DB connection string to use the other domain to resolve it however with Vault Pro I am not sure which areas need to be modified. Please can you help? We are getting error below.

The server could not establish a connection to the database. Please check the server's log for detailed information. (FailDBConn)

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Re: Unable to connect to vault DB

Post by lbauer » Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:54 am

The SQL Server connect string is the the web.config file in the Vault Service directory on the Vault Server machine.

Look for a section like this:
<!-- SQLSERVERMODE-add key="ConnectString" value="Application Name='SourceGear Vault Server'; Connection Reset='true'; Server=(local); Database=sgvault; User ID=UUUUUUUU; pwd=PPPPPPPP" />SQLSERVERMODE- -->
<add key="ConnectString" value="Application Name='SourceGear Vault Server'; Connection Reset='true'; Server=(local); Database=sgvault; Integrated Security='true'" />

Modify the appropriate key, depending on whether you are using SQL Server authentication (SQLSERVERMODE) or Windows auth (Integrated Security).

Also, if you're using Vault 6, you'll see additional connect strings for the Notification and Find in Files services.

If modifying the web.config doesn't work, I'd suggest unistalling Vault Server (keep the databases), then reinstall. This allows the installer to set the proper connections to the databases. Back up your databases first.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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