Project Tree Lost when Switching Databases v4.2

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Project Tree Lost when Switching Databases v4.2

Post by aswift » Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:37 am


I am using SOS v 4.2. Recently I got a new laptop and re-installed. Now when switching databases the client does not remember the project trees and I have to refresh (which takes a while) and then have to reset the working folder. On my old machine this was not an issue.

I read an article here that confirms that the databases trees should be stored locally. Looking in C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Roaming\SourceGear\SOS\servers\source\
I see only two files:

I look at two source safe databases so would expect a database2.sos?
I am running win7 Professional SP1 x64.


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Re: Project Tree Lost when Switching Databases v4.2

Post by lbauer » Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:07 am

SOS 4.2 was released in 2006 and was never tested on Window 7, so it's not fully supported.

That being said, I have it working properly on my own 64-bit Windows 7 machine. However I don't have SP 1 installed.

So it could be that there's something in the newer Win 7 version that's causing the problem or perhaps something in your configuration.

I'd suggest we schedule a remote assist session where I can take a closer look. Email me at support at, ATTN: Linda.

Please include a link to this forum post.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Re: Project Tree Lost when Switching Databases v4.2

Post by jclausius » Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:30 am

aswift wrote:I am running win7 Professional SP1 x64.
A bit of a follow up, as Linda noted you may encounter some compatibility issues with running SourceOffSite on Windows Vista/7 when using SOS 4.x and earlier versions.

However, SourceOffSite 5.0 is fully supported on Windows 7, and has been tested in these environments. See the "New Features" section in the release notes -
Jeff Clausius

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