Sharing folders

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Sharing folders

Post by JohnASchmitz » Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:37 pm


We've got a huge project, with many files in many folders. I'd like to just share over the 4 or 5 root folders to a new folder, for use in working on project patches. However, when I do that, Vault does not behave like SourceSafe used to. There is really just one thing shared, the folder, and there is no way to pin something in the "patch" branch, or branch a file in the main development branch when you start working on features for a new version.

Is there a Vault solution, other than writing a batch file to "manually" re-create the folder structure and then share each file, one-by-one?


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Re: Sharing folders

Post by Beth » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:51 pm

We have a Vault Power Toy that will perform a share in the same manner as VSS. If you are on Vault 6.0, you can find the Power Toys here:

If you are on older version of Vault, there will be a link to the Power Toys for that version where you find the download for the version you have (
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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