Error on sharing folder

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Re: Error on sharing folder

Post by kha » Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:24 pm


By changing this value from -1 to 100, what does it do?



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Re: Error on sharing folder

Post by Beth » Wed Jun 13, 2012 2:42 pm

TreeManagerSize set to -1 tells the Vault service to calculate how many trees to hold based on available memory. The TreeManager keeps these trees in cache so that it can easily compare the current tree to one of the cached trees, if a client connects that is out of date. If a client connects and the last tree that they downloaded is no longer in the TreeManager cache, a rather expensive database call must be made to get that client up to date with the latest tree.

Setting TreeManagerSize to a number (lets say 100) tells Vault to throw away any trees that are 100 versions out of date. If you can safely say that most of the people who connect will not be more than 100 versions out of date, then you will have no problems. If your tree goes through less than 100 versions per day, then 100 is a good value for TreeManagerSize .

In summary, set TreeManagerSize to more than the typical number of tree versions you see in a day, but less than 545.

More discussion here:
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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