I have a prototype ASP page - cvsSubmit.asp, which will log the parameters passed from VaultService. I found that, the parameters passed are not as expected. What that is "5" at the sFile? I think "5" is repository id, but is doesn't appear in sRepo, but sFile.
Beside, what is the value represented in sPrev?
Thank you
Below is the code in cvsSubmit.aspx
Dim ixBug, sFile, sPrev, sNew, sRepo
ixBug = Request.QueryString("ixBug")
sFile = Request.QueryString("sFile")
sPrev = Request.QueryString("sPrev")
sNew = Request.QueryString("sNew")
sRepo = Request.QueryString("sRepo")
dim fs,tfile
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set tfile=fs.OpenTextFile("C:\Windows\Temp\somefile.txt",
url = "http://localhost:1804/rndbug/cvsSubmit.aspx?ixBug=" & ixBug & "&sFile=" & sFile & "&sPrev=" & sPrev & "&sNew=" & sNew & "&sRepo=" & sRepo
set tfile=nothing
set fs=nothing