Optimization: Use local instead of repository files

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Thomas Linder Puls
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Optimization: Use local instead of repository files

Post by Thomas Linder Puls » Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:27 pm

I have noticed (especially when working through a slow line) that vault is not "clever", when it comes to using external "diff" programs on historical versions.

Furthermore, I have to pay for this non-cleverness by waiting ;-).

Scenario: I ask for recursive "diff" of two versions of a folder.

Vault now builds two complete copies of the folder on my computer, and invoke my "diff" program on these folders.

The problem is that all files are transferred from the server. There might be many files in the folder, and perhaps only one of them are changed. Nevertherless all the non-diffing files are transferred twice. Furthermore, several of the files might already have been present in my working folder.

Besides spending time, then transferring the same file twice has another unfortunate consequence: the two files get dfferent timestamps. Most "diff" programs would treat the files much more efficient if the timestamps on the "same" file was the same.
Thomas Linder Puls
Visual Prolog www.visual-prolog.com

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Post by dan » Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:02 am

I was wondering when someone was going to complain about this :)

Yes, the client could be smarter about this, and we have it on our list. Thanks for the report.

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