Feature request for Merge Branches

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Feature request for Merge Branches

Post by reynen » Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:54 pm

When merging multiple files from two branches back together, it would be great if the checkin comments for each file being merged would be related only to that file.

For example, if my branch contains file1.txt and file2.txt, and while branched I checkin file1.txt with this comment:
fixed bug

and then I separately checkin file2.txt with this comment:
added feature

when I merge the branches both files will have the same comment

Merge Branches: Origin=$/TestApp/testapp-branch

Version: 6
added feature

Version: 5
fixed bug

This is not as meaningful as if each file would have the comments that were applicable only to that file.

Am I explaining it clearly? Please let me know if not.

Is there an option like this that already exists?



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Re: Feature request for Merge Branches

Post by Beth » Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:46 pm

We don't currently have the ability to apply comments in the way you are mentioning. A work-around would be to not commit the entire merge branches at one time. Instead, you could commit the items you want to have the same comment and edit the comments. Then choose the next file or files that you want to have the same comment and commit those.

I can put in a feature request for the functionality you want with the comments.

F: 16034
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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