Windows 7 64 bit and VB6

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Windows 7 64 bit and VB6

Post by yasser.yaman » Tue May 04, 2010 4:07 pm


I am having issues intergrating VB6 and Source Vault on a Windows 7 64-bit operating system. The IDE works fine on Windows XP and WIndows Vista 32-bit OS.

In Windows 7 64-bit, I cannot see the Source Code control in VB6 even after I checked the checkbox to set SourceVault as my default source code control. The vbadd.ini file also has the entry: vbscc=3

Can you please help? This will be a crucial issue for us as the company is going to upgrade to Windows 7 64-bit soon.


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Re: Windows 7 64 bit and VB6

Post by Beth » Wed May 05, 2010 9:26 am

Here's here's a list for what can help VB6 on Windows 7 with integration.

1) Run VB6 as administrator. When running it, right-click the icon and select Run As Administrator.
2) Make sure the vbaddin.ini has the vbscc=3 entry in it. That file is found in C:\Windows or %windir%.
3) Re-register the VBSCC.DLL by running

Code: Select all

regsvr32.exe "C"\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\VBSCC.DLL"
4) In the registry, check under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\SourceCodeControlProvider for a string called ProviderRegKey. If it's not there, create it and give it the data SOFTWARE\SourceGear\Vault Client.
5) Also look under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\SourceCodeControlProvider\InstalledSCCProviders. If you have a an entry called Vault VS 2003 Classic Client change that to read as SourceGear Vault Classic Client and give it the data of SOFTWARE\SourceGear\Vault Client.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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Re: Windows 7 64 bit and VB6

Post by novosgt » Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:37 am

In the same boat here.

Attempted the above to implement Fortress 1.1.4 as SCC in VB6 on a Win7x64 workstation.

Noted two things. First in Fortress Client Options/General the checkbox to make Fortress the default SCC Provider does not stay checked.

Second, when I start VB6 as ADMIN I get the following error message: "You don't have a source code control program (such as Microsoft Visual SourceSafe) installed on your machine....."

What is plan b?

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Re: Windows 7 64 bit and VB6

Post by lbauer » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:57 am

Although it may run on Windows 7 64-bit, Fortress 1.1.4 is not officially supported on that platform. ... chart.html

Also, integration with VB 6 takes a bit of a workaround. ... 13&t=15034

You may also need to run VB 6 as Administrator, so that the default SCC provider checkbox stays checked.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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