We use SourceGear Vault for our code repository. One of the things I just discovered was the vault command line API. So far, I have been able to use the command line to list files, delete folders, and get latest from an entire branch. However, when I try to do an actual branch from one folder to another, the command line utility appears to hang. Here's what I am doing, sensitive info omitted, of course:
Code: Select all
vault branch -host servername -user myun -password mypw -repository "Repository Name" -commit "$/pathtofolder1/" "$/pathtofolder2/"
I end up having to hitting CTRL+break to stop it after several minutes. When I do a branch through the client, however, it only takes a few seconds.
Oddly, I am able to do a branch on a small, test folder from the command line and it branches just fine.
Could it have to do with the enormous size of the folder that I am really trying to branch? The folder contains several solutions which cumulatively hold 500,000+ lines of code and ASP.NET markup. Is there some other command line option I need to use to speed up the process?