I created a library dll which can be called to create share in SourceGear. I called the dll within visual studio Marcro. But I have to call ServerOperations.Login() even if I logged into SourceGear from within visual studio. (SourceGear Visual studio client prompts me to login when I open the visual studio solution.) Is there any way the my script reuse the same connection or login so that I do not have to login when I run the Macro.
Reuse visual studio login info in VS Macros
Moderator: SourceGear
Re: Reuse visual studio login info in VS Macros
Your macro would be a different instance, so it would require a login. It's the same if you open two instances of the Vault GUI client. Even if you had one running already, you would have to login to the second instance as well.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support
SourceGear Technical Support