I try to add file in my Vault Pro, but I try many syntax with always error.
Could you help me to fix this problem, it's look like the vault.exe do not use the good port to connect, he try port 80, but my port is 501 ?
Tanks for your help,
This is the command Line I enter :
vault.exe ADD -host "vault.dada.com:501\VaultService" -ssl -user "dada" -password "d@d1999" -repository "Default Repository" -comment "TEST TEST TEST" -commit $\scief\DBScript D:\VB\DADA\DBScript\dididada.txt
I receive this error :
<exception>System.Exception: The connection to the server failed: server can
not be contacted or uses a protocol that is not supported by this client. Unable
to connect to https://vault.dada.com:80/VaultService. No server was found at
the specified URL. Please verify your network settings using the Options dialog
under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client. Web Exception: The operation has
timed out ---> System.Exception: Unable to connect to https://vault.dada.co
m:80/VaultService. No server was found at the specified URL. Please verify you
r network settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GU
I Client. Web Exception: The operation has timed out
at VaultClientNetLib.VaultConnection.Login(String strURLBase, String strUserL
ogin, String strPassword)
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Login(String urlbase, String usern
ame, String password)
at VaultClientIntegrationLib.ServerOperations.Login(AccessLevelType altComman
d, Boolean bAllowAuto, Boolean bSaveSession)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at VaultClientIntegrationLib.ServerOperations.Login(AccessLevelType altComman
d, Boolean bAllowAuto, Boolean bSaveSession)
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.ProcessCommand(Args curArg)
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.Main(String[] args)</exception>
C:\Program Files (x86)\SourceGear\VaultPro Client>
Problem to ADD file with vault.exe CommandLine
Moderator: SourceGear
Re: Problem to ADD file with vault.exe CommandLine
Change your command to the following and see what your results are:
Code: Select all
vault.exe ADD -host "vault.dada.com:501" -ssl -user "dada" -password "d@d1999" -repository "Default Repository" -comment "TEST TEST TEST" -commit $\scief\DBScript D:\VB\DADA\DBScript\dididada.txt
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support
SourceGear Technical Support
Re: Problem to ADD file with vault.exe CommandLine
It's ok now,
But a warinig screen is opening with this error :
c:\Program Files (x86)\SourceGear\VaultPro Client\vault.exe is not a valide Win32 application.
I'm on windows 7 64 bit, it is a problem ?? and I try to connect on Windows 2008 r2 64 bit server..
But a warinig screen is opening with this error :
c:\Program Files (x86)\SourceGear\VaultPro Client\vault.exe is not a valide Win32 application.
I'm on windows 7 64 bit, it is a problem ?? and I try to connect on Windows 2008 r2 64 bit server..
Re: Problem to ADD file with vault.exe CommandLine
We discussed this issue offline and found that vbscript needed to be re-registered. We had to perform the instructions for a 64-bit machine found in this KB article: http://support.sourcegear.com/viewtopic ... ipt#p59169.
HS: 223458
HS: 223458
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support
SourceGear Technical Support