Yet another "The connection to the server failed"

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Yet another "The connection to the server failed"

Post by BSayatovic » Fri May 13, 2011 7:32 pm

I'm yet another victim of the sporadic "The connection to the server failed" error from my command line. I once turned on the DEBUG tracing on the server, but with our high number of users and our CI jobs, the log overwhelmed me.

And while I can't provide evidence to back this next claim up, I believe the problem has been becoming MORE frequent as we've added MORE users.

With all of the dozens of different servers we have on our network (mail, sharepoint, fogbugz, CI, SQL, etc.) Vault is the only server experiencing problems, so I have no reason to suspect my network. And the network is a gigbit network with extremely low latency, so I don't think it's timeouts.

Has there ever been a definitive explanation, or at least a productive diagnostic strategy for this?

Here's an example of the error:

Code: Select all

System.Exception: The connection to the server failed: server cannot be contacted or uses a protocol that is not supported by this client. Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at VaultClientNetLib.ClientService.VaultService.Login(String strHostname, Boolean bUseFullFiles, String username, String strEncryptedPassword, String strRMKey, String& strAuthToken)
   at VaultClientNetLib.VaultConnection.Login(String strURLBase, String strUserLogin, String strPassword)
   at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Login(String urlbase, String username, String password)
   at VaultClientIntegrationLib.ServerOperations.Login(AccessLevelType altCommand, Boolean bAllowAuto, Boolean bSaveSession)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at VaultClientIntegrationLib.ServerOperations.Login(AccessLevelType altCommand, Boolean bAllowAuto, Boolean bSaveSession)
   at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.ProcessCommand(Args curArg)
   at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.Main(String[] args) 

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Re: Yet another "The connection to the server failed"

Post by lbauer » Sun May 15, 2011 9:56 pm

We'd like to see a copy of the Vault Server log during the time you get these errors. It's called sgvault.log and is in %windir%\temp\sgvault on the server machine.

Send the logs zipped up to support at attn: Linda. Include a link to this forum post.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Re: Yet another "The connection to the server failed"

Post by BSayatovic » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:19 am

lbauer wrote:We'd like to see a copy of the Vault Server log during the time you get these errors. It's called sgvault.log and is in %windir%\temp\sgvault on the server machine.

Send the logs zipped up to support at attn: Linda. Include a link to this forum post.
My apologies. I just now saw your reply. If there was a notification from the forums to my e-mail inbox, I somehow missed it. I will attempt to turn on logs again and see if I can "catch it in the act".

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Re: Yet another "The connection to the server failed"

Post by BSayatovic » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:24 am

lbauer wrote:We'd like to see a copy of the Vault Server log during the time you get these errors. It's called sgvault.log and is in %windir%\temp\sgvault on the server machine.

Send the logs zipped up to support at attn: Linda. Include a link to this forum post.
Looking in %windir%\temp\sgvault ("C:\Windows\Temp\sgvault"), there is a single "sgvault.log" file. It is 10kb in size and was "last modified" on 12/17/2009 (the date on this server is properly set to 6/6/2011).

This path is the path configured in Vault's "Path to log file".

I'm gong to investigate why this is not logging.

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Re: Yet another "The connection to the server failed"

Post by BSayatovic » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:32 am

BSayatovic wrote:Looking in %windir%\temp\sgvault ("C:\Windows\Temp\sgvault"), there is a single "sgvault.log" file. It is 10kb in size and was "last modified" on 12/17/2009 (the date on this server is properly set to 6/6/2011).

This path is the path configured in Vault's "Path to log file".

I'm gong to investigate why this is not logging.
I verified there were no permissions problems. I stopped the AppPool and Site, then restarted them, and now the log is being updated appropriate (at DEBUG level). Hopefully the error will happen again soon so I can catch the logs.

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Re: Yet another "The connection to the server failed"

Post by lbauer » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:38 am

Thanks for the update. Let us know when you've captured the error.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Re: Yet another "The connection to the server failed"

Post by BSayatovic » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:01 am

lbauer wrote:We'd like to see a copy of the Vault Server log during the time you get these errors. It's called sgvault.log and is in %windir%\temp\sgvault on the server machine.

Send the logs zipped up to support at attn: Linda. Include a link to this forum post.
I just mailed the logs to you.

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Re: Yet another "The connection to the server failed"

Post by Beth » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:59 am

Just an update that this is currently being discussed offline.

HS: 223212
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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