resolving renegades of entire repository

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resolving renegades of entire repository

Post by stianf » Tue May 10, 2011 8:05 am


I'm using a computer for both development and deployment. When I deploy I move my working repository to a different place on the disk, do a get latest on all our projects, and then build.

I do this because I will always have alot of code that isn't done/verified, and shouldn't be part of a release.
After I'm done building, I delete the folder and move my working repository back to it's original position.

Now.. Is there a way I can make vault go through all my files and verify which files are actual renegades and which are not? Bad pie?

I must admit that I'm used to subversion, where I can just checkout(get latest) to whatever place I want. Is there some sort of functionality for this in vault?

Best regards,

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Re: resolving renegades of entire repository

Post by Beth » Tue May 10, 2011 10:41 am

There's a couple different routes you might take with this.

1) Instead of changing your working folder at all, just perform a Get to a non-working folder. When the Get dialog comes up, it defaults to the working folder, but the path can be changed. If for some reason the build needs the working folder there, just let me know.

2) For the files you don't need, what you could do is set a label on the parent folder. Then through Label Promotion you can change what files are included or change file versions. Then you will perform a Show Labels and Get on that label instead of just a regular Get Latest. This can be combined with the non-working folder I mentioned in #1.

3) CRCs might help with preventing Renegade files. Go to Vault Tools - Options - Local Files and towards the bottom is the option to Detect Modified Files Using CRCs.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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Re: resolving renegades of entire repository

Post by stianf » Wed May 11, 2011 1:36 am

Hi Beth,

Thank you so much for your response! It took away alot of hair when doing a deploy.
Following your steps I can now simply just get all source to a deploy/build directory that maintains integrity of our directory structure to!


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Re: resolving renegades of entire repository

Post by Beth » Wed May 11, 2011 9:07 am

You're welcome.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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