Option number 3 is my decision (or at least my goal).From what I can tell, you have a couple of different options:
1) Store the latest version of the files in Vault, and keep PVCS / Merant archived somewhere in case it is needed for historical purposes. - Easiest
2) Perhaps someone has done a port of their own, and would kindly assist you with the knowledge / tools they gained during their port. - Moderately Easy to Moderately Hard (based on the good will of the other party)
3) If there is an interface ( command line or otherwise ), you could write your own port - Moderately Hard and above.
Unfortunately, I don't think the two SCMs are compatible for a migration without some major design decisions and possible loss of information.
PVCS branches-in-place
All version information is stored file-by-file
No linking of files by changeset
Let me explain what I mean by branch in place. When exploring the file/folder structure of the repository no branching evidence is visible. Branches are visible only in the revision viewer. Getting a branch is the same as getting any non-tip revision, simply supply the revision number of the branch version. To support this branch style PVCS enforces a unique revision incrementation style. It versions the trunk as 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 ... 1.N (I haven't found how to jump to 2.0 yet.) Now I branch at Revision 1.3 and I get a new version available for checkout called with subsequent version of, ... 1.3.1.N and if I branch 1.3 again I get,, ... 1.3.2.N Using recursive logic I can branch the first branch at its second revision and get
The lack of linking files in the same changeset poses the issue that PVCS doesn't know which file branches go together as a single new branch. I can only guess based on checkin times and comments. Each files revision increments at its own pace and so revisions can't be used to match changesets.
I've read how Eric describes a reposity as 3-D <folder,file,revision> well, I think I would use that same language to describe a PVCS repository as 4-D <folder,file,branch,revision>. The version history is a tree rather than a list.
Can Vault accurately represent this without too much trouble?
Do you have any suggestions for how I project this 4-D space into 3-D?
Did I make myself perfectly unclear?