I am trying to get Vault working with CruiseControl.NET and am facing some issues. CruiseControl is reporting "Source control operation failed: . Process command" so after some reading on this forum I tried taking the Vault command and running it in a command prompt.
That gave me my first workable error which was a Proxy issue, again after reading on the forum I made some changes to the command line and tried again.
I am now getting the following:
Code: Select all
<!--An exception was encountered during the get latest operation. Exception:
The Vault server could not be contacted to perform the operation. Your network
connection to the server may have been interrupted. Please verify your network
settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client.T
he request failed with HTTP status 414: Request-URI Too Large.-->
<exception>VaultClientOperationsLib.GetLatestVersionFailedException: Excepti
on of type 'VaultClientOperationsLib.GetLatestVersionFailedException' was thrown
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.ProcessGetFileRequests(GetFileInfo
[] infos, MakeWritableType makeWritable, SetFileTimeType setFileTime, MergeType
merge, Boolean updateHiddenFilesOnly, String ancestorFullPath, Boolean flat, Str
ing ancestorDiskPath, OverwritePrompt PromptData, Boolean isLabelGet, String cur
rentPathToLabelItem, Int64 labelID, Boolean isRetry, Boolean isGetByDisplayVersi
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Get(VaultClientFolder[] folders, B
oolean forceLatest, MakeWritableType makeWritable, SetFileTimeType setFileTime,
MergeType merge, OverwritePrompt PromptData)
at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Get(VaultClientFolder folder, Bool
ean recursive, Boolean forceLatest, MakeWritableType makeWritable, SetFileTimeTy
pe setFileTime, MergeType merge, OverwritePrompt PromptData)
at VaultClientIntegrationLib.GetOperations.performGetVersion(String objectPat
h, Int32 version, String strDestFolder, GetOptions getOptions)
at VaultClientIntegrationLib.GetOperations.ProcessCommandGetVersion(String ob
jectPath, Int32 version, GetOptions getOptions)
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.ProcessCommand(Args curArg)
at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.Main(String[] args)</exception>
Can anyone help or give me some pointers?
Thanks for you time.