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Post by awelch » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:13 am

I'd like to request that the STATUS of the file be displayed in the Source Offsite client "Status Search" dialog.

It would be ideal to be able to list all files checked out by myself, and then see what files I need to check in. However, because it doesn't show the file status, I'd have to do a DIFF on each one.


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Post by lbauer » Mon Aug 02, 2004 3:51 pm

You could do a status search on all filed Edited by you. An Edited file is a file which is checked out and modified.

You could also do a search on Renegade files, which are files modified, but not checked out.

This should cover most cases.
Linda Bauer
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New features and enhancements

Post by DarkAngel » Thu Aug 05, 2004 1:02 pm

I think sourceoffsite is missing some features that VSS has. Especially I do not like file and folder comparinson. Why all files should be downloaded from the site before they can be compared ? It should be enough to get just CRCs of the files and then compare them with local files CRCs. It will make folder comparison much faster than it is now. As I understand that is impossible to do now because file and folder comparison is separate exe and not internal feature of sourceoffsite. I think you should go for this change because it will speedup comparisons on slow dialups connections and will be same reliable. Why should 1000s of files downloaded in advance ? If I will want to compare local and remote file just then file should be downloaded.
Other thing I don't like about folder comparison that local directory is copied to temporary as remote directory does and then comparison is made. Why make a duplicate of local directory ?! Just to confuse user more ? I think it is not necessary especially that this even slowers the comparison.

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Post by corey » Wed Aug 11, 2004 10:47 am

The folder diff feature of SOS is intended for users who want a graphical diff of an entire folder. If all you want to know is if a file is different, without viewing the differences, then you should use the new Status Search feature found in SOS 4.0.
Corey Steffen
SourceGear LLC

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The original request is still very valid... and a few more..

Post by tim183 » Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:19 am

Doing a status search for 'edited' tells me what's actually changed - but if I want to get a list of things I've got checked out which aren't edited, I'm in the weeds. If the report showed status (and I could sort by this status), I'd be able to select the group I need and do an 'undo checkout'

I would also like to see a 'not current' option in the status search so I can see all of the 'edited', 'needs merge','old', and 'renegade' files listed in one place... And when doing a 'get latest', I'd like to see the status details when it says 'file xxx may have been modified' - my 'overwrite' decision is very likely to be based on whether or not I've got the file checked out...

The last point is really more of a bug to me - if I'm doing a 'get latest', I shouldn't be asked about things I've got checked out - I'd settle for being told that I've got it checked out, but in this case I'd like the 'apply choice to subsequent files' option to apply only to files which match the status...

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Ability to search for files that are "renegades"

Post by wvpowell » Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:18 pm

I'd like a similar feature - the ability to see what files I have in my local directories that are different from the archive (without having to traverse the file structure). Seems like this would be a simple addition to the Search... command.

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Post by lbauer » Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:07 am

It sounds like you'd like something like a search for files with "any" status other than "blank".

I'll log it as a feature request.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Bill Medland
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Post by Bill Medland » Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:23 am

I also would like to see a "other than blank" status report (I was just about to request it when I saw this thread).
I also take the point about the "checked out" report. It is valuable to know if I have a lot of files checked out but unedited. Perhaps a "Unedited" search would satisfy that, meaning out but unmodified.

As a separate request I suggest that the status column should be less far left in the display; it is much more important than the actual dates. I suggest that the order should be more like File, Status, User, versions, dates. (A nice treat would be to have the order specifiable in the options as well as which are shown).

A third request is whatever it takes to make a GetProject under soscmd.exe almost as fast as the GUI when virtually everything is already up to date.

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