SerialNumber has Expire

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SerialNumber has Expire

Post by Avneesh » Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:06 pm

We purchased 2 licenses of source offsite on Apr21 2004, and actually started using it after Jue 7th. Now the server is not getting started and the log file is throwing following message, please advice what's going wrong.


Log file
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - ****************************************************
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - SourceOffSite Server 4.0.2 Standard - No Cryptography

8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - CurrentCulture is en-US.

8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - Server Information
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - Service Pack: 3.0
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - OS Version: 5.0.2195
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - Locale: Ox0409
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - OSLanguage: 1033
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - Total Physical Memory: 509.99 MB
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - Time Zone: (GMT+05:30) Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM -
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - SSAPI.dll Information:
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - Location: file:///D:/Program Files/SourceOffSite Server/Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib.DLL
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - DisplayName: Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM -
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - Started at 8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM

8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - General logging level is Error. Method logging is Disabled.

8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - serialnumber has expired
8/6/2004 10:02:09 AM - Error starting up server. Stopping now....

Posts: 9736
Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by lbauer » Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:03 pm

When the SOS Server is installed, it generates a 30-day demo serial number. Check to see if that serial number is still configured in the SOS Server Manager.

You should have gotten an email with your permanent serial numbers. If so, add these to the SOS Server Manager and delete the demo number.

If you haven't received you serial numbers, email me (click the email link below) and I'll look them up in our sales system.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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