Suggestions for Vault client search pane

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Suggestions for Vault client search pane

Post by jkewley » Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:55 pm

A few usability suggestions for the Vault client, based on years of using the search pane to fetch change sets for deployment. We work in task-based environment where changes are made on one set of machines and deployments happen on another. We use Vault to get the files associated with a particular task and publish them. We spend a lot of time in the search results window trying to figure out which files in our project we need to get latest on. Vault is a great tool for this, but it could be even better. I humbly submit to you:
  • Add a column to search results grid that contains the file's extension. This would allow a user to filter/sort by file type when getting latest.
  • Add a column to search results grid that contains the last check in comment for that item. Ditto.
  • Context menu on an item in the search results should allow a user to view that item's history (in addition to differences and merge). Currently one has to double click on the item to load it in the contents panel before getting context menu access to the item's history. I often use this to see what changes have been made to a file before getting latest on it.
  • Context menu on an item in the search results for "same check in". This would bring up the latest change set that the selected file was part of (the Version Details window). This would make it easier to get all changes related to a modified file.
  • Please do something about the refresh of the search results. If the search results refresh their state, the current selection list and scroll position are lost, and the list scrolls back to the top. We often control+click multiple items to get latest on a change set. Sometimes during the selection process, the grid refreshes and we are forced to start over. Background updates should truly be background in nature, and the user should be required to refresh the grid in order to see the refreshed list.

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Re: Suggestions for Vault client search pane

Post by Beth » Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:06 pm

Thanks for the feedback. I've added a few additional features and placed your vote on a few previous feature requests. On the last item you mentioned, I think if the status didn't automatically refresh, but instead used a button to kick off it updating, that might take care of what you are running into, so that's where I added your vote.

F: 15412, 15413, 13441, 15414, 10841, 9988
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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