Reinstalling SQLServer Express & MDFs

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Reinstalling SQLServer Express & MDFs

Post by ckelker » Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:59 pm


I inadvertently uninstalled SQLServer Express on my server. Express was orignally installed with Pinnacle Systems, so without thinking I removed the SQLServer Express (MSSQL$PinnacleSys) entry via the Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.

I have the sgmaster.mdf, sgvault.mdf, sgmaster_log.ldf, & sgvault_log.ldf, so I don't feel sunk yet. I'm looking for advice on the reinstallation process. I am a single developer running on WinXP & v4.1.4.18402.

I have started reinstalling Express 2005 SP1. Do I want a NAMED instance or DEFAULT?

Following the install completion, what is the process of importing these MDF, LDFs into Express? I am concerned with the fact that SG was installed with a DB that wasn't installed by me (done by Pinnacle software), so reinstalling the DB to what SG expects is anerving.

Thanks in advance,
(I've attached my original install log)
Original SG Vault Installation Log (
(10.99 KiB) Downloaded 209 times

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Re: Reinstalling SQLServer Express & MDFs

Post by lbauer » Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:28 am

SQL Express installs as an instance. We'd also recommend installing SQL Express Management Studio, which is a GUI interface for managing your SQL installation. ... laylang=en

Generally to restore a database to SQL Server, you need to do a backup and restore or a detach/attach. We're not sure whether your files were detached when you uninstalled SQL Express. Since you have the actual database files and not a backup, you would install SQL Express, attach the databases, then install Vault Server. The Vault Server installer will take care of creating the database user, etc.

Based on the installation log, it looks like SQL Server was on the same machine as the Vault Server and you used Windows Authentication for the SQL Server setup portion of the installation. Is SQL Server still on the same machine? If so, you can use the same installation options. When you point the Vault installer to SQL server us .\sqlexpress or machinename\sqlexpress to install on the SQL Express instance.

You might want to review our installation guide for more information:
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Re: Reinstalling SQLServer Express & MDFs

Post by ckelker » Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:41 pm


Thanks for the reply... I'm back up!

Just some notes for future users:

During the installation, I went with "Default Instance" not the "Named Instance" (SQLEXPRESS was defaulted name). Additionally, I didn't have to reinstall VServer. I don't have deep security, so VServer didn't have any problems logging into the DB.

Thanks again,

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Re: Reinstalling SQLServer Express & MDFs

Post by lbauer » Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:11 am

Thanks for the update. That's good news. : )
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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