NOTE: These instructions mostly apply to Vault as well. Just skip numbers 3-5 that deal with item tracking.
1) Set up email information in Admin website. If your mail server requires authentication, enter the SMTP authenticating username and password. Make sure the password is saved during setup. For the Server URL, you may need to enter in a Fully Qualified Domain Name instead of just a machine name or an IP address if there are any problems resolving the name. For example, instead of machinename, you might have
2) Put the user’s email addresses into their user page.
3) To subscribe to email notification, the user will select a project in the Item Tacking page.
7) In the email tab of the Fortress Client, the user will select a folder or file and add the watched path as well as their email address. Select the path in the tree and then click Add.
- 1) Try changing the email settings in the admin web page. In particular, check the server URL.
2) Can you ping the SMTP server?
3) Can you login to email using the username and password you entered into the email settings in the admin web page?
4) Can you access Fortress or Vault using the server URL in a Fortress or Vault GUI client?
5) Try a public SMTP server for the email settings in the admin web page. There are many resources on the internet with information on how to use Gmail, Yahoo, and other web mail services as SMTP servers. If it works with another provider, but not your own, then it may be either a problem with the information you entered in the email settings in the admin web page or there could be a problem with your internal mail server.